Coming Soon !

Infrastructure in India

Harmonized Master List

The updated HML list now includes 37 Infrastructure sub sectors under 5 categories i.e.,

  • Transport and Logistics
  • Energy
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Communication and
  • Social and Commercial Infrastructure.

The inclusion of any sector in the HML enables investors to avail infrastructure lending at easier terms with enhanced limits, access to larger amounts of funds as External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), access to longer tenor funds from insurance companies and pension funds and be eligible to borrow from India Infrastructure Financing Company Limited (IIFCL) etc.


Below is the timeline of evolution of the Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure sub-sectors since 2012.


2 sub-sectors i.e. “Data Centre” and “Energy Storage System” have been included in Harmonised Master List of Infrastructure Sub-Sector.

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“Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre” is included in the Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure Sub-sectors by insertion of a new item in the category of „Social and Commercial Infrastructure‟.

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“Affordable Rental Housing Complex” is included in the Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure Sub-sectors by insertion of a new item in the category of „Social and Commercial Infrastructure‟

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“Bulk Material Transportation Pipelines” was included in the Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure Sub-sectors by insertion of a new item in the category of ‘Transport and Logistics’. This “Bulk Material Transportation Pipelines” includes Oil, Gas, Slurry, Water supply and Iron Ore Pipelines’.

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Under the category of “Transport and Logistics” the sub-category “Railway track, tunnels, viaducts, bridges, terminal infrastructure including stations and adjoining commercial infrastructure” was amended as follows:

  1. Railway track including electrical and;signalling system, tunnels, viaducts, bridges
  2. Railway rolling stock along with workshop and associated maintenance facilities
  3. Railway terminal infrastructure including stations and adjoining commercial infrastructure.

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Under the Category of “Social and Commercial Infrastructure” the sub-category ‘Three-star or higher category hotels located outside cities with population of more than 1 million” was amended as “Tourism infrastructure viz. (i) three-star or higher category classified hotels located outside cities with population of more than 1 million, (ii) rope-ways and cable cars”.

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Under the category of “Social and Commercial Infrastructure” a new sub-sector – “Affordable Housing” is added.

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“Transport” category was widened to “Transport and Logistics” category. “Logistics Infrastructure” was included by insertion of a new item in the renamed category of “Transport and Logistics”. “Logistics Infrastructure” includes Multimodal Logistics Park comprising Inland Container Depot (ICD) with minimum investment of Rs.50 crore and minimum area of 10-acre, Cold Chain facility with minimum investment of Rs.15 crore and minimum area of 20000 sq. ft. and/or Warehousing Facility with investment of minimum Rs.25 crore and minimum area of 1 lakh sq. ft.

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Under the category of “Social and Commercial Infrastructure” a new sub-sector “Sports Infrastructure” was added.

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Under the category of “Transport”, a new sub-sector “Shipyards” was added.

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In October 2014, under the category of “Social and Commercial Infrastructure” the sub-category “Common infrastructure for industrial parks, Special Economic Zones, tourism facilities and agricultural markets” is amended as “Common infrastructure for Industrial Parks and other parks with industrial activity such as food parks, textile parks, Special Economic Zones, tourism facilities and agricultural markets”.

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New sub-sector ‘Hotels’ and ‘Convention Centers’ added in the category ‘Social and Commercial Infrastructure’

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Capital Dredging added under the sub-sector ‘Ports’, ‘Slurry Pipelines’ under ‘Water and Sanitation’ category and Telecommunication and Telecom Services under ‘Communication’ category

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In March 2012, Institutional Mechanism (IM) at Department of Economic Affairs was constituted for regular review of Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure sub-sectors

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Category List

Category Infrastructure Sub Sectors
Transport and Logistics

  • Roads and bridges
  • Ports
  • Inland Waterways
  • Airport
  • Railway rolling stock along with workshop and associated maintenance facilities
  • Railway rolling stock along with workshop and associated maintenance facilities
  • Railway terminal infrastructure including stations and adjoining commercial infrastructure
  • Urban Public Transport (except rolling stock in case of urban road transport)
  • Bulk Material Transportation Pipelines
  • Shipyards
  • Logistics Infrastructure

  • Electricity Transmission
  • Electricity Generation
  • Electricity Distribution
  • Oil/Gas/Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) storage facility
  • Energy Storage Systems (ESS)
Water and Sanitation

  • Solid Waste Management
  • Water treatment plants
  • Sewage collection, treatment and disposal system
  • Irrigation (dams, channels, embankments, etc.)
  • Storm Water Drainage System

  • Telecommunication (fixed network)
  • Telecommunication towers
  • Telecommunication and Telecom Services
  • Data Centres
Social and Commercial Infrastructure

  • Sports Infrastructure
  • Hospitals (capital stock)
  • Terminal markets
  • Education Institutions
  • Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre
  • Tourism infrastructure viz.
  • Common infrastructure for Industrial Parks and other parks with industrial activity such as food parks, textile parks, Special Economic Zones, tourism facilities and agriculture markets
  • Soil-testing laboratories
  • Affordable Rental Housing Complex
  • Post-harvest storage infrastructure for agriculture and horticultural produce including cold storage
  • Cold Chain11
  • Affordable Housing